Privacy Policy
Oasis Rummy offers skill based games like online Rummy in a safe, secure, dependable and comfortable environment. These games are fun to play and participate in and knowing there is trustworthy management behind Oasis Rummy should give you the player, peace of mind. We are completely dedicated to protecting the privacy of our players. This document describes what information we collect from our players and how we use the information. Potential players and users must register with us to access and play our games. We collect certain information about you during the registration process and before processing any financial transactions. This information includes your name, email id, mobile number, postal address etc. Provision of this information is mandatory by you if you want to access our Products and/ or Services. By registering on the Oasis Rummy website, you automatically permit for your personal information to be used as stated in this privacy policy. We also collect your IP address information in addition to your personal information when you visit our website. IP addresses of our players help us to study user behaviour, research demographics of our users and provide improvements to our users as a result of this collective information. Oasis Rummy is the exclusive user of this information collected on its website and will not share, sell, rent this information in ways other than what is described in this document. We may be required by law to disclose information at times.
Oasis Rummy does not divulge your personal information to a third party without your consent. We use your personal information to better your user experience and to present our players with new offers, products and services. We may share your personal information with prize sponsors and delivery agents through our site. Oasis Rummy employs stringent security measures to avoid loss and misuse of information you provide us. Your personal details are password protected and only you can access your information. Oasis Rummy is not responsible or liable for any activity which is undertaken when your password is used. For this we advise you not to reveal your password to anyone.
You agree to provide us personal information about yourself when you accept Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on the registration page. In case you do not wish to share this information with us, please do not register on the Oasis Rummy website. Remember, our registration procedure requires you to provide us with this information. If you wish to play cash games or participate in tournaments, competitions, contests or other marketing activity that we initiate, you will be asked to provide us additional information. Our Policy on Children
Oasis Rummy is vehemently dedicated to protecting the privacy of children and does not intentionally collect or use personal details of children under the age of 13. We are in full compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"). If someone wrongfully or inadvertently provides personal details of children under the age of 13, Oasis Rummy will securely delete this information from its records and will bar that individual from accessing its products and or services.